Free shipping

How long does it take for delivery?

5-15 working days.

What countries can you ship to?

Our logistics partners can ship to any location in the world
How will my goods be shipped?

We have a designated logistics partner to ship PUniq products. They will choose the carrier they feel is best suited to our customers.

I have ordered more than one item. Will they all be delivered at the same time?

We try to ensure that all items arrive to you at the same time. Sometimes our products are not always sent together as different shipping methods can be used depending on the product. Once the item has been dispatched you will receive a dispatch notification email.

Can I change the delivery address of my parcel once it has been dispatched?

Unfortunately, we cannot change the dispatch once the product is in transit.

What do I need to do when I receive a product that is different from the one I ordered?
Please contact customer support at

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